
Our DIY Adventures in Homeschooling & Homebrewing

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cop-out Post

When time is short, I take the easy way out and link to something worth reading. Today's winner is a bit on what teachers really need to know in order to get certified, with much thanks to Why Homeschool for posting on this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, was Hillary Clinton a contributing editor for that textbook? You know, "it takes a village" to teach our children social equitablity.

Anyway, Yikes! We need to get fully behind any efforts to secure our freedom to homeschool our children.

4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes...very scary stuff indeed! I don't listen to Rush much these days, but one day last week I heard him mention something regarding not being able to homeschool anymore or something--and I can't remember ever hearing him talk about homeschooling before. I think he was talking about how Hillary wants to nationalize pre-K now and all that. I've been out of the loop on all the political junk these days, but are you (or anyone else out there) keeping up with all this?

9:03 PM  

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